Sony mobiles has announced the new Xperia SX and GX smartphones for the Asian Market. The all new Xperia SX is so far the lightest LTE smartphone weighting about 95 grams. The Xperia GX is repackaged Xperia ion smartphone with slightly different design and Exmor R camera. Both handsets will be available from July in Asian market.
In terms of design, both smartphones will be slightly different fromthe 2012 Xperia series and have rounded corners. Display of Sony Xperia SX has been 3.7 inchwith mobile bravia engine. It runs dual core 1.5 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon mobile processor and others 8 GB internal flash storage
The weight of the smartphone is only 95 grams despite having LTE chipset inside it. To be made available in black & white colors. This smartphone also have the 8 megapixel image sensor camera.
While Meanwhile, the Sony Xperia GX will arrive with Xperia Ion features inside with totally new body design. The Xperia GX will feature a 4.6-inch Reality Display powered with Mobile BRAVIA Engine and supporting 1280x720 pixel resolution.
This smartphone runs a dual-core 1.5 GHz Qualcomm processor and will have 16 GB On-board storage. Sony has also added the Walkman application for high quality audio experience and xLOUD audio engine. The Xperia GX has 13 megapixel camera with Exmor R image sensor for mobile, HD video recording and Sony technology to capture 3D Sweet Panorama images.
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