Sony displayed its new look of VAIO series laptop, targeting a wide range of users in all budget types. Adding its first ever Ultrabook to the company’s lineup this season, the VAIO T series Ultrabook contains a 13.3-inch display with an aluminum and magnesium body which adds to an overall sleekness. Billed as the “ultimate travel companion,” the VAIO T13 Ultrabook features the latest generation of the Ultra Low Voltage Intel Core processors with two built-in USB 3.0 ports, HDMI, VGA, ethernet, and SD card slots. Starting specs include Core i5 processor, 4 GB of RAM, 500GB of hard drive space combined with a 32GB solid-state drive. Starting at a modest price of $800, the T13 will be available later this month.
E Series
The Summer Expo Tour 2012 also unveiled new models to the E series with the affordable 14-inch VAIO laptop starting at $580. Looking to cater to college students and casual users, the new E series model has 4GB of RAM, 500GB of hard drive, and a Core i3 processor. The budget laptop comes in four color choices: black, white, silver, and pink, and is also available in 11.6-inch or 15.5-inch displays. The body, however, is plastic, unlike the aluminum in the T series.
S Series
More impressive is Sony’s new top-of-the-line model with the latest VAIO 15.5-inch S series that claims to be a big competitor to the newest Macbook. Boasting 2GB of RAM in the NVIDIA graphics card, the S series laptop also comes with a Core i7 processor, 8GB of RAM, and 750 GB of storage to be the ultimate gaming laptop. The battery is also said to last for up to 12 hours of use.
The body is made of the same aluminum and magnesium texture found in the T series, giving it a more expensive and luxurious look. While it’s not as thin as the Ultrabook, the body is relatively slim and lightweight. The S series begins at $1,400.
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